Daily Archives: November 8, 2011

Moonlight and a Stove

The nights are getting colder, and the leaves have noticeably disappeared from the treetops.  I have been very impressed with how quickly the leaves have fallen, and last night with the moon bright enough to rid my need of a light I truly noticed how much cover the leaves give.  When I started in August, a full moon would shoot spots of moonlight onto the forest floor, but now the ground is totally illuminated.

A wood stove (nicknamed the “Zang”) has been installed into the wigwam to lessen the chill of winter nights, but because of some slight issues it will be a week or so before it will be in use.  It definitely gives the wigwam a much more luxurious feel having a flue jutting out of the smoke hole.  Once the stove is working I will be able to cook meals and heat myself much more efficiently than I would be able to with just a fire.  Firewood is going to be my main need through these upcoming months, and although there is a lot of fallen and dead wood near my camp, it will be a lot of work to gather enough to supply the stove through the winter.

For the past few weeks I have been saying that I was pretty used to living in the woods, but after sleeping at home following a cold and windy football game a few Fridays ago I really know that I am used to my new way of living.  When I sleep at home I feel slightly out-of-place in my bed, and even though my bed in the wigwam is made of sticks, I somehow find it absolutely comfortable.  Every morning I wake up perfectly, and I would even argue that my mornings go smoother when I sleep in the wigwam.  I’m not distracted by a complex breakfast-shower-pick clothes for the day routine, and I like it that way.  I don’t have to deal with traffic or cars or the radio- I just walk to school.  It really does make my whole day better.

I’m a day away from completing my third month of this project, and It feels weird to me that I have walked to and from the wigwam over 90 times since I began building it over the summer.  Senior year is supposed to be the best year of high school, and I know that I am making mine the greatest senior year ever.


I will be putting pictures of the stove up soon!


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